
This reference documents every object and method available in gift flick browser-side JavaScript library.


Step One

Include the script on product and order confirmation page of your site—it should always be loaded directly from, rather than included in a bundle or hosted yourself.

Code example Demo:
<script src="" async="true"></script>
Code example Prod:
<script src="" async="true"></script>

Step Two

Use giftflickSDK(apiKey, options?) to create an instance of the gift flick object. This is the entry point to connect gift flick UI components. Your gift flick API key is required when calling this function, as it identifies your website to gift flick.


giftflickSDK might not be available before the window load. It's good practice to create new giftflickSDK(apiKey, options?) object after window onload.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
    var apiKey = "c8a09911-9f0f-4a4f-bb83-giftflick";
    var options = {
        reset: true,
        checkoutUrl: '#giftflick',
        recipientEmail: '',
    var giftflick = new giftflickSDK(apiKey, options);
ApiKey (required)

Please contact if you haven’t already registered or received an API key from us.

options (Optional Object)
  • reset (String)

    by default is "false". Set to true if you would like to allow the user to begin the creation from start.

  • checkoutUrl (String)

    by default is "/checkout". pass in #giftflick if you would like to bypass your checkout process or pass in different checkout url if your checkout page is other than "/checkout". e.g some sites checkout url is '/payment' in that case, you can use checkoutUrl:"/payment"

  • buttonText (String)

    by default it is "SEND AS INSTANT GIFT".

  • recipientEmail (String)

    Customer email. Send an email to the customer which contains a unique link to a gift story.

  • orderId (String)

    your customer order id. This will trigger the order on gift flick. PS: only add this when the order is confirmed.

  • crossDomain (String)

    Set to true if your e-store and checkout are on different domain.

Step Three

Use gfInitial(options?) to initial gift flick widget component (Gift creation module). This function will check for html tag that contains "data-giftflick" and append the widget to it.

HTML Structure Example
<!DOCTYPE html> 
  <html lang="en"> 
      <div class="products"> 
          <h1>Hello, world!</h1> 
          <div data-giftflick> </div> 
Script Example
<script type="text/javascript">giftflick.gfInitial();</script>

gfInitial(options?) function accept object params

options (Optional Object)
  • target (String)

    by default is "data-giftflick". Can update the target "html element" on where to inject the widget.

  • callback (function)

    Add a callback function to when user click on gift flick main button. You can also use the callback to add products into gift creation module.

    Script Example
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var callback = () => {
      // your custom code here...
        products: [
            product_title: 'Example product 1',
            product_image: '',
    giftflick.gfInitial({ callback });


    You might notice that the "Create Gift" Button is greyed out. It's because no product has been added to the module. Please refer to gfsetLocalStoreCartItems on how to add product items.

Other Methods


This method adds product images and the product title to the UI Component. You can use this together with gfInitial callback function

options (required)
  • products (Array) (required).

    an Array of Objects. the 1st object is the product_title and the 2nd object is the product_image

Example with 1 product

<script type="text/javascript"> 
  products: [
      product_title: 'Example product 1',
      product_image: '',
Example with multiple products

<script type="text/javascript"> 
  products: [
      product_title: 'Example product 1',
      product_image: '',
        product_title: 'Example product 2',
        product_image: '',


To ensure that the product items on gift creation module are in sync with your site cart item, we suggest to have a "fetch cart item" function/method on your site to retrieve product image and title if you don't that have yet.


Intercept checkout button. You call inject your own function on checkout button click.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
  console.log("action on checkout button click"); 


Example script on product page.

Copy the script below and paste it into a html file. It also runs on static html.

Script on product page Code Example
<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
      <script src="" async="true"></script>
    <div class="products"> 
        <h1>Hello, world!</h1> 
        <div data-giftflick> </div> 
      window.onload = function () {
        var apiKey = "c8a09911-9f0f-4a4f-bb83-giftflick";
        var options = {
            checkoutUrl: '/checkout',
        var giftflick = new giftflickSDK(apiKey, options);
        var callback = () => {
          // your custom code here...
            products: [
                product_title: 'Example product 1',
                product_image: '',
        giftflick.gfInitial({ callback });

Example script on Order Confirmation page.

Order confirmation script is almost identical to the script above. The only differences are the options we use. orderId is required to action the confirmation. Our Module store user input data in the local storage. It contains the data that the user has agreed to use gift flick as the medium while putting through the order. If yes, it will trigger the order on our end.

The local storage access can only works if the main page and the order confirmation page are on the same domain. It will retrieve the details through the local storage.


orderId and recipientEmail options fields value should be your customer order id and email address. We are only use the email address to send the gifter(user) a notification email that contain a unique link to the gift story.

The user can also create gift flick if they missed it on the product page. Our software will check user input and if they haven't created a gift flick, The button will appear and allow users to re-generate the customised video.

Script on order confirmation page Code Example
<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
      <script src="" async="true"></script>
    <div class="products"> 
        <h1>Hello, world!</h1> 
        <div data-giftflick> </div> 
      window.onload = function () {
        var apiKey = "c8a09911-9f0f-4a4f-bb83-giftflick";
        var options = {
            orderId: '1234',
            recipientEmail: '',
        var giftflick = new giftflickSDK(apiKey, options);
        var callback = () => {
          // your custom code here...
            products: [
                product_title: 'Example product 1',
                product_image: '',
        giftflick.gfInitial({ callback });

How giftflick works on your site?

gift flick is a Frontend widget which run on any browser as long as users have javascript enabled. You only need to have the script on the product and order confirmation page.

  • On products Page.
    Because our widget is frontend driven, we don't have access to your methods. Therefore, 2 features need to be implemented on host website if the host website doesn't have it already.
    1. Add item to cart via JavaScript . It's the same action as when user clicks on the Add to cart button.
    2. Fetch product item in the carts. To retrieve all the product information (product image and product title) in the carts.

    Both methods can be executed inside our callback function. refer to step 3

  • On order confirmation Page.

    Fetch product items and pass down to widget by calling gfsetLocalStoreCartItems method

Our widget stores user inputs in local storage. As long as the product and order confirmation page sitting in the same domain. It can share the same data.

How do I style the widget?

Our team will style the UI component for you. Talk to our team and we can guide you through on the process.

How giftflick works on E star platform?

On E star, we can using the Consumer API most beneficial - /api/cart/order to retrieve what's in the cart page.

Below code can be used directly to cart page.

Example code on cart page

<script src="" async="true"></script>                  
<script type="text/javascript"> 
 window.onload = function() {
    /** Target specific container on e star cart page
    var targetDiv = document.querySelector('.order-list .item-container');
    if (targetDiv) {
      var loading = `<div class="content-box" style="padding:20px;margin:10px 0;"> <div data-giftflick> </div> </div> `;
      targetDiv.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', loading);

    *  Open API’s:
    *  Fetch cart items
    var Data = await fetch('/api/cart/order')
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then((res) => res.Data)
        .catch((error) => {

    if (Data.Items) {
        var products = => {
            return {
                product_title: item.Title,
                product_image: window.location.origin + item.Image.replace('CRUPSELL', 'TRMEDIUM'), // replace small thumbnail to medium size image

        // Giftflick SDK
        var apiKey = "c8a09911-9f0f-4a4f-bb83-giftflick";
        var options = {
            checkoutUrl: '/checkout',
        var giftflick = new giftflickSDK(apiKey, options);

            products: products,


E star / gift flick infrastructure